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, collections::VecDeque

, est _ boursier: bool, 8 est _ resident: bool, 9 rang _ appel, p.32

, fn new(rang: i32, est _ boursier: bool, est _ resident: bool) ? VoeuClasse { 14

. Voeuclasse-{-rang and . Boursier,

, fn compare(voeux _ classes: Vec<VoeuClasse>, v: VoeuClasse) ? bool { 20 v == voeux _ classes

#. , ? i && i < voeux _ classes.len()) ==> voeux _ classes

, 0 ? taux _ min _ boursiers _ pourcents && taux _ min _ boursiers _ pourcents ? 100

, 0 ? taux _ min _ residents _ pourcents && taux _ min _ residents _ pourcents ? 100

. #[ensures=, forall i: usize :: (0 ? i && i < result.len()) ==> result[i].rang == (i+1) as i32

, before _ expiry(result)[i] == voeux _ classes

/. ^^todo, How to test for physical equality? 33 fn groupe _ classement( 34 voeux _ classes: Vec<VoeuClasse>, 35 taux _ min _ boursiers _ pourcents: i32, 36 taux _ min _ residents _ pourcents, p.32

, = voeux _ classes.len(

, 39 let mut br: VecDeque<VoeuClasse> = VecDeque::new(

, 40 let mut bnr: VecDeque<VoeuClasse> = VecDeque::new(

, 41 let mut nbr: VecDeque<VoeuClasse> = VecDeque::new(

, 42 let mut nbnr: VecDeque<VoeuClasse> = VecDeque::new(); _ boursiers _ total = br.len() as i32 + bnr.len(, vol.as, p.32

, 60 let nb _ residents _ total = br.len() as i32 + nbr.len(, vol.32

, let mut ordre _ appel : Vec<VoeuClasse> = Vec::new(); _ boursiers _ restants = br.len() as i32 + bnr.len(, vol.as, p.32

, 68 let nb _ residents _ restants = br.len() as i32 + nbr.len(, vol.32

, 69 let nb _ boursiers _ appeles = nb _ boursiers _ total -nb _ boursiers _ restants

, 70 let nb _ residents _ appeles = nb _ residents _ total -nb _ residents _ restants; _ taux _ boursiers = 0 < nb _ boursiers _ restants && (nb _ boursiers _ appeles * 100 < taux _ min _ boursiers _ pourcents * (1 + nb _ appeles

, 74 let contrainte _ taux _ residents = 0 < nb _ residents _ restants